IMPORTANT! Protect Yourself by Implementing the only proven HIPAA system designed specifically for MSP's.


Why do you need this? If you have even one healthcare client, or a client that is a HIPAA Business Associate, you must comply with HIPAA. MSP's often underestimate their HIPAA risks. Mike Semel has helped thousands of MSP's understand how HIPAA relates to exactly what you do. He has managed HIPAA projects for hundreds of healthcare organizations and business associates, and will show you how to turn HIPAA into profitable services.

If you implement just one of the dozens of ideas included with our system, you can recover your investment in less than 30 days. We answer questions and provide guidance to MSPs who implement our system. If you reach out for compliance or incident management advice, you can reduce your risks by more than your investment with just one question.

Our HIPAA & Profit System includes training exclusively for IT Managed Service Providers, taught by IT and healthcare thought leader, Mike Semel, a former MSP. Mike implemented these concepts as an MSP providing managed services to healthcare organizations. This led to him being the Chief Information Officer for a hospital and a K-12 school district, Chief Operating Officer at an online backup company, and now as a sought-after compliance and cyber-security consultant.

"I am Amazed at How Fast Semel Consulting was able to Help Us Build a HIPAA Compliance Program."

"I am amazed at how fast Semel Consulting was able to help us build a HIPAA compliance program. We love talking with Semel Consulting because they understand what an MSP does and what our needs are."

Shawn Ruhl
CTO, vTechio
Naples, FL

You should stay away from any tool or system someone wants you to resell to your clients. Companies that want you to use and resell their "We Make HIPAA Easy" products have designed their solutions for healthcare providers and to cover every type of Business Associate. Their HIPAA training is generic, for a wide range of healthcare organizations and businesses who work with them. Our training is designed for you. We know what MSPs need because we started out as an MSP. Mike Semel will help you implement just the things you must do as an MSP, and not waste your time trying to figure out what parts of HIPAA relate to you.

“This course was a great investment. The time we will save in policy development and research will pay for the class many times over.”

Michael Williams
Portland, ME

We love talking with Semel Consulting because they understand what an MSP does and what our needs are."

Shawn Ruhl
CTO, vTechio
Naples, FL

"Mike Semel is on the cutting edge of understanding the law, and more importantly how to apply it for the benefit of customers and those who take care of them.”

Arlin Sorensen
Founder, HTG Peer Groups

"Mike Semel has been an invaluable HIPAA mentor to thousands of IT experts who are part of The ASCII Group, the largest and oldest group of Managed IT Service Providers in the world. We rely on Mike to help our members with the ins and outs of HIPAA.”

Alan D. Weinberger
Chairman and CEO, The ASCII Group

ALWAYS START WITH our HIPAA & PROFIT system, that includes HIPAA training laser-focused on MSPs, plus all the tools you need to make your company compliance, and to monetize Health IT. You may want to add a HIPAA certification and training for your staff.

  • HIPAA & PROFIT System for MSP's
  • Certified HIPAA Security Professional (CHSP)
  • Certificate of HIPAA Workforce Profiency (CHWP)

If you take training designed for healthcare organizations, or a general class for HIPAA Business Associates, you and your staff won't be educated on what an MSP must do to comply with the regulations, how to limit your liability, and how to profit from providing health IT security and compliance services.

Our 3 levels of training include:

HIPAA & PROFIT System for MSP's - ALWAYS START HERE. This system will help you make your business compliant. You will quickly learn what an MSP must know to service healthcare clients. We include self-paced training, checklists, Business Associate Agreements, templates, and reference materials. We'll also be an ongoing resource to help you with your HIPAA questions.

Certified HIPAA Security Protessional (CHSP) - Authored by Mike Semel for 4MedApproved - a self-paced 6-hour online training course for your managers and key tech specialists -this is a HIPAA class designed for healthcare professionals. It gives your key managers a deeper knowledge of HIPAA, and the confidence to properly communicate with clients, and to manage incidents. Upon completion they receive a certificate and logo to use in your marketing. This class is not a substitute for our Masterclass. Take the Masterclass first to get your company compliant, then have your key staff take CHSP. DETAILS & ORDER LINK BELOW

Certificate of HIPAA Workforce Proficiency (CHWP) Authored by Mike Semel for 4MedApproved - HIPAA requires that all of your workforce members that come in contact with healthcare data, or the systems that store it, be HIPAA-trained. This self-paced online course takes less than an hour, and includes management reporting to validate your employees have taken their training, and to quickly provide evidence if you are audited.. DETAILS & ORDER LINK BELOW

Get in on the System that’s PROVEN to Help You Comply with HIPAA, Understand Regulations, Close More and Bigger Deals, and Be Seen as a Security & Compliance Expert.

Yes, I Want The HIPAA System for MSPs Right Now!

This $999 HIPAA & Profit System Includes All This ...

Everything you need to quickly become compliant with HIPAA, including all of the training, forms, Business Associate Agreement templates, and done-for-you checklists to make your company compliant, and monetize HIPAA into additional clients and higher revenues.

The Fastest, Easiest, "Get Compliant, Close Deals" Business-Building Security & Compliance System Available

You can attend, review, watch, or listen to the entire 5 Steps to 7-Figure Success HIPAA system and be closing deals in days because the entire program is broken down into easy-to-implement modules.

You get trained at your own pace, and can include everyone in your company.

Hundreds of MSPs have followed Mike's Semel's HIPAA training and guidance to get and close deals in record time!

HIPAA & Profit System

  • Identify (your client's compliance requirements - HIPAA and other regulations)
  • Quantify (your client's compliance risks & benefits)
  • Match (your Managed Services & Security Services to your client's needs)
  • Justify (the low cost of your services compared to your client's high risks)
  • Deliver (on your promise to help your client comply with their obligations)

Yes, I Want The HIPAA System for MSPs Right Now!

Mike Semel will show you:

  • Just what you need to know about HIPAA
  • How to create an internal compliance program for your company, that will sustain an audit or a data breach investigation
  • How to deliver HIPAA-compliant services, from simple do's and don'ts to what documentation you need to keep for six years
  • How to make a lot of money through assessments
  • How to deliver meaningful HIPAA assessment results to busy non-technical doctors, business owners, and managers
  • How to help your prospects and clients quantify their risks so your fees and proposals look like no-brainers
  • How to protect your company - and yourself - from getting dragged into a costly breach investigation caused by a client
  • How to grow your security sales by using a standardized security framework - even for unregulated clients
  • And how to speak to groups about cyber security and compliance, even if you hate speaking

You’ll have a clear understanding of how Security & Compliance work together and how you can quickly and easily use them.

And, as a special bonus to TeamLogic IT, you will have someone to answer your questions and to guide you through an incident response for an entire year.

Yes, I Want The HIPAA System for MSPs Right Now!

"I Told All My Peers To Take The Next Training You Offer"

“You did a great job on the CompTIA Security Trustmark training. I just returned from HTG yesterday and I told all my peers to take the next training you offer.”

Robert Kyslinger

HIPAA & Profit System for MSPs

The #1 Proven Successful System for Protecting Your Business & Closing Health IT Deals

Yes, I Want The HIPAA & PROFIT System for MSPs Right Now!



Have Questions?


Certified HIPAA Security Professional (CHSP)

The CHSP Certification provides comprehensive training in HIPAA for business associates, security officers, and medical staff managers.

Detailed lessons describe every aspect of HIPAA compliance, including the Privacy and Security rules, regulatory changes brought by the HITECH Act and Omnibus Final Rule of 2013, requirements for business associates, and more. The program is presented through self-paced online lessons, multimedia reviews, and assessments, along with a final exam.

Module titles within this course include:

  • An Overview of HIPAA
  • The HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • The HIPAA Security Rule
  • Business Associate Regulations
  • The HITECH Act and Omnibus Final Rule of 2013
  • HIPAA Data Breaches and Penalties
  • HIPAA Audits and Enforcement
  • HIPAA Policies, Procedures, Awareness, and Training
  • Compliance with Multiple Regulations
  • Security Responsibilities for IT Managers and Privacy Officers
  • Applied HIPAA Security for Healthcare Professionals

Successful completion of this course awards a Certification in HIPAA Security Proficiency which has been reviewed and authorized by the 4Medapproved professional medical and technical advisory boards.

Regular Price - $399

JUST $266 per person for MSPs

ENTER SEMEL33 at checkout

CLICK HERE TO ORDER CHSP - enter SEMEL33 at checkout

Certificate of HIPAA Workforce Proficiency (CHWP)

CHWP Certificate provides annual HIPAA training for staff who come into contact with Protected Health Information (PHI).

This short course focuses on pragmatic compliance with HIPAA and covers important breach avoidance strategies. Training may begin immediately following purchase. All modules are presented online and self-paced and are available for a full year.

IMPORTANT: For users who purchase multiple licenses, please use our Training Enrollment Form to assign the course to each user after your purchase is complete. You can also use this form to reassign a course, if you purchased it for someone else.

Module titles within the course include:

  • HIPAA Basics
  • Understanding the HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • Understanding the HIPAA Security Rule
  • The HITECH Act
  • Regulations for Business Associates
  • HIPAA Documentation and Training
  • Applied HIPAA Security for Healthcare Professionals

Successful completion of this course awards a Certificate in HIPAA Workforce Security, which has been reviewed and authorized by the 4Medapproved professional medical and technical advisory boards.

It is not designed for managers, consultants, or security compliance officers, who require more comprehensive HIPAA education. Those individuals should take the Certified HIPAA Security Professional (CHSP) course.

Regular Price - $39 per person

JUST $26 per person for MSPs

ENTER SEMEL33 at checkout

CONTACT US for a discount if you want to purchase more than 15 classes

CLICK HERE TO ORDER CHWP - enter SEMEL33 at checkout

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